Friday, October 17, 2008
motivated by the dolla HOLLA!
lately it seems like money is the only thing that can make me feel secure and happy when i buy that new something from the antique shop, thrift store, h&m, hottopic i get really lifted and i don't like it. i don't like being a intense of those druggy compulsive shoppers who be on the tyra show or true life talking about how they feel like a gambler or acholic because shopping make them feel good. i really need a boyfriend too a good one with nice armpits and really interesting thats really hard to find, hopefully today when i'm going to the movies all ALONE i'll find that special guy who just randomly holds a interesting conversation with while i'm getting tickets for Nick & Norah infinite playlist. peace
the bomb squad
i love cupcakes
- yaya
- i'm yaya.17. baltimore. fashiondesigner. crafty. docmartens. starving artist. stylish.happy. nylon. writer.wants to travel and thrift in every city.vintage. jean charles de castelbajac. jeremy scott. julie mollo. geometric shapes. santigold. fannypacks. gold chains. ACID WASH. hoochiemama. cultured. city life. nails.creator. weaves. baby hairs. amywinehouse beehive. leotards. fake gold bamboos. 80s movies. 90s alternative. nick@nite. fashion week. nars blush. UK